Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Day 5- Logistics

Ok, so I have NEVER been a big fan of logistics, but today is the ultimate I HATE logistics day. haha... There is so much riding on the actual choice of date, that I am stuck.  I can't really do much until I know what it is.  We had kinda chosen one, at least had a general idea, but have found out that there is this and that going on.  Now we have to wait and see if they can move the activities.  I probably wouldn't be stressing so much about it except that I don't want to lose my photographer.  Her schedule is filling up quickly.  Everything else is less of a rush...  Sigh... Logistics get easier right??? ; )

1 comment:

  1. Umm... yah, they do! Imagine that... picking a date... what a novel idea :-) I love you.
